The Salem Home Ladies Auxiliary is excited to bring back our second “Faspa-in-a-Box” event just in time for Valentine’s Day.  Each Faspa-in-a-Box is for two people and includes buns, kringle, cheese, pickles, jam,  & desserts. Order as many Faspa boxes as you wish whether it is for your friend, sweetheart, mom, your pastor, or for your employees – faspa is always the right choice to show a little love.

Faspa can be ordered via website: ; by email:; or by phone at 204-325-4316 until February 6th. There is a limited number of boxes so get your orders in early.  Pick-up will be February 11, 2022 from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM at Salem Home (165 15th Street, Winkler) Payment can be made online by credit card, e-transfer, or in person.  The suggested Donation of a $35.00/Box minimum will go towards wheelchair-accessible garden boxes for the residents at Salem.  It promotes an activity that many are familiar with, giving residents meaning and purpose, and for families to engage with them too.

The Ladies Auxiliary seek to enhance the lives of Salem Home residents through the fund-raising activities they undertake… Recent reviews and studies found that including therapeutic gardens in care environments has positive effects on agitation, behavior, walking, stress levels, self-esteem, depression, and aggressiveness. A quantitative review by Zhao on the benefits of gardening on those experiencing dementia reported improvements in cognitive function, agitation, emotional state, and engagement.   Specific positive effects of gardening on those with Alzheimer’s disease found evidence of it promoting creativity, self-esteem, social interaction, sensory stimulation, gross and fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

When you realize that 89% of our residents have some level of dementia, with many having some form of responsive behaviours, providing resources for our residents and staff that help engage the residents and mitigate these behaviours is important.  Your donations today, as well as participation in “Faspa-in-a-Box” will help make that possible.

For details contact Susan Hildebrand, Foundation Coordinator,, 204-325-4316

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